Rant Management

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bring back death penalty?

If I was in charge I certainly would – how many of you would? I can’t stand all this weak sentencing shit and letting people off with a few years behind bars for raping a child. How many of you were shocked to hear of the story about the 2 year old being raped and murdered by her uncle. How many years in prison do you think he will get? Probably about 12 and let out in 6 for good behaviour, in fact the way things have gone recently he might not even go to prison because we don’t have any more room, our jails are full – here’s a thought FUCKING BUILD SOME MORE, doesn’t take a genius to work that one out does it? I feel like going on the rob in Sainsbury’s to get my monthly goods, they can’t jail me, they might fine me £50 but that’s cheaper isn’t it!!

What about the other case highlighted in this weeks news, some of you may have missed it because Pete Doherty was injecting drugs again so obviously that was headline news along with Robbie in Rehab, but if you filter out the crap there was a case of a four year old girl with cerebral palsy being horrifically beaten by her parents. So not only is she disabled she was subjected to torture, I’ll leave out the finer details but when they were scalding her by putting hands under burning hot taps you can kind of get the gist – how long did they get? 10 years…….10 years, that’s fucking pathetic, it wouldn’t be so bad but the girl was actually taken away and put into foster care but the frankly useless social services decided that it was best for the girl to be with her natural parents so handed her back!!! Why aren’t the buffoons who handed her back up in front of a judge with charges of cruelty hanging over their heads? That’s the problem with these social do-gooders, they think they are always doing the right thing when to be honest, they are thick as pig shit and wouldn’t have a clue which end to shit out of if they didn’t talk out of one of them.

This is why I think we should bring back the death penalty, or for these two at least, a bit of torture, why not get a big hulking bloke to throw them against a wall by their hair to see how they like it? I think as well with cases like this the ‘man’ should have the snip to save any further children he might like to spawn from the abuse he gave this little one.

We are apparently a civilised society, which is why we don’t have the death penalty, yet our closest friends and allies (good old yanks) they have it, hell they have a man in charge who has condemned hundreds of people to death in the state of Texas so why cant we, when there is without doubt who the offender is why cant we, for the good of the earth, just get rid of them? There are so many people currently living it up at her majesties pleasure in jail that we just don’t need, Ian Huntley, Peter Sutcliffe, Rose West, Beverly Allitt, Jonathan King, the list will go on and on, these are just a few off the top of my head. Kill of these and the many other perverts, rapists, child abusers and murderers and voila we suddenly have more room in our jails to get rid of more of the scum from the streets, it’s a simple theory don’t you think?

That’s the problem though, its too simple for Tony Blair and his useless cabinet, simple plans are the ones they don’t like, they would like to make criminals off us all, everyone is a criminal apart from the criminal themselves, I got pulled over for speeding the other day, I hold my hands up, I was flying, my car has two speeds, fly and stop, so it was only a matter of time, I didn’t have a problem with the copper pulling me over as soon as I saw him I was like “balls” coz I knew that £60 fine coming my way could have been better spent, what I objected to was not even the breath test – fair enough, I’d had a drink, what I really objected to was the fact that the fucking copper really wanted to make a criminal out of me by insisting I had taken drugs because my pupils were large. It was MIDNIGHT, I’d been driving in the dark for 20 minutes and I was tired, what did he expect? So he made me do all these frigging tests – he said “Stand on that line” now I swear I wasn’t on drugs, but we were in the middle of a parking area with no lines whatsoever, so I just stood opposite the other guy they seemed content with that and even after completing with ease they were still convinced I had taken something, it was getting to the stage where I was going to say “Look, just fuck off you twat” but how much of a fine would that have been?

I am not a criminal and never will be yet because of Tony Blair and company they are determined to turn everyone into this country into a criminal; it’s a sad state of affairs. Go and catch the people who cause so much shit to happen to this country, then when you catch the bad ‘uns hang the fuckers. No appeals, no cushy jail cells, no Sky TV, fuck that pisses me off to, I cant afford Sky TV because I spend all my money on bills, yet if I don’t pay my council tax, I’ll get sent to prison where I can get it for free? Where the hell is the logic in that…. I digress……There is the righteous out there who think that if a murderer admits his sins etc then he will be forgiven and by killing him he cant be forgiven WTF??? So fucking what? Once you have committed a ghastly crime like that, that’s it, no second chances, balls will be chopped off and if that doesn’t stop you then your life is ended. Bring it back, we so need it.

While I am on a role I’m going to moan about this per mile road charging thing that the government is thinking about, over 1.2 million people have signed a petition on the governments website saying that basically it’s a shit idea and one of the cabinet cronies has come out and said “We wont listen to it” not in that small a sentence but I’ve filtered out most of the shit he spouted.
We the people voted labour in so why now wont labour listen to those same people? Is it because they won’t be able to squeeze more of our hard earned out of us, of course it is! Here is a thought, him and the many other MPs like him who think that pay per mile charging is a good idea why don’t you, instead of giving yourselves a 60% pay rise, don’t! Give yourselves a 5% pay rise (which is still above inflation after all) then the rest of it you can put back into government funds and scrap the scheme altogether? Jeez with all the money that’s likely to produce you could probably lower the price on fuel as well which at the cheapest I find at the mo is 83p a litre – Americans don’t even pay that per gallon!!!

I work 24 miles away from my house, going by this bright idea, it would cost me £60 A DAY to get to work with road charging. So my alternative then – get a train, I live 5 miles from the nearest train station so that’s a £12.80 round trip, train ticket that time in the morning is £16.80 return (ouch) then because my office is so far away from the train station I cant walk it so that would have to be taxi. The long and short of this tale is, if the government get there way I can’t afford to work in Guildford. So I would have to take up some shitty office job somewhere in Whitehill, I would have to basically give up my life as I know and love it and literally become one of those council estate scummers that blight our country so much. Still by the time Labour are out we might all be council estate scummers so on the positive side at least I’d fit in….


Blogger David said...

Spiller I knew I liked you! I can't add much to this because you said it all so well. Murders are trash and just need to be disposed of. The people in America who are against the death penalty have made it so hard to actually carry the sentence out that it cost more to put someone to death than to keep them in jail for life. Now the criminals are suing because electrocution and needles are, get this, cruel and unusual punishment. What a fucked up world we live in. I'm glade someone else sees it too.

5:39 pm  
Blogger harbinger said...

I heard in the UK a bunch of convicts sued for cruel and unusual punishment, because they were drug addicts and had to go cold turkey when the got put in prison.
They won.
I support capital punishment because I think that if you keep killing the murdering scumbags on this planet, then maybe someday the human gene pool will be rid of rejects that are capable of atrocities against fellow humans.

In Canada the Judicial System is a sham ,sentences are so light it is a joke.
Criminals have more rights than victims, Because it's the poor criminals that are the victims of an unjust society, slap em on the wrist and let em go!

6:10 pm  
Blogger Spiller5 said...

Im amazed - I thought it was just this country that was going tits up, I thought America, Canada (in fact, every other country) had it right, turns out it doesnt look the case. I guess in a strange way thats a good thing for Britain, but bad for the world because the criminals are getting away with more and more.

Death penalty is the only way. Harbinger, yes there was a case of that not that long ago (I posted on the subject earlier) in Britain those that get away with it call it a "Violation of their human rights" which I think is even more disgusting, but unfortunatly we have to put up with it because Tony Blairs shameless wife is a human rights lawyer - so how does she earn her money.... yep, by protecting the scum of society

10:31 pm  
Blogger harbinger said...

Spiller5, here's a beauty going on where I live right now.
Two brothers are watching t.v. when a man armed with a semi-automatic handgun bursts into their apartment, and starts shooting at them.
One of the brothers is hit in the leg
and another shot goes into the ceiling. Acting quikly to save their lives the other brother starts stabbing the home invader, who turns and runs out of the apartment.
He was found dead on the driveway a while later.
yep you guessed it! The victim is charged with second-degree murder.

7:18 pm  

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