Good News:
Our Government have actually decided to do something about the idiots who drive without car insurance! Fan-Bloody-Tastic, the amount of times you read about people smashing up other peoples cars then not being able to pay for it because they aren't insured.
Bad News:
The penalty is a £200 pound fine TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, what the fuck??? What sort of poxy detterent is that - bloody hell, that just makes me think that maybe I'll drive without insurance if thats all the fine you are going to get, then if you dont get caught you dont pay a single thing? Seems like a bargain way out? I paid £344 for insurance last year, I have been driving 10 years and have 9 years no claims discount and (at the moment) a clean licence.
So judging by the fact that I've had 3 accidents in 10 years, one my fault, I figure I can take the risk?? If I, a normal law abiding person, am thinking like this how are the criminals thinking? They are laughing their arses off all the way to the bank I tell ya. Most people would willingly give the government £200 if it meant covering their car for a year. Thats pathetic and typical of this sodding government. Im well pissed off about this.
More Good news:
There are plans afoot to build more jails, has someone high up been reading this blog? Am I finally getting through to someone, wow, Im shocked, someone in the government has actually realised that the way to stop crime might be to actually lock criminals up rather than let them constantly roam the streets.
With good though, comes bad news:
The plans are only for an additional 1300 spaces. For fuck sake, I could walk round london today and fill that allocation up, plans are to eventually get up to 8000 more cells because the "Prison population has stabilised" of course its fucking stabilised, we have no more room you dickheads, derrr, use your brains, Oh, thats right im sorry its on vacation in Hawaii.
And Finally.....more good news!!
Not for me, but I know that this will make a lot of people happy, there is a 24 hour concert planned in July to make people aware of the climate change happening to this earth. Despite my rantings I do think this is a good idea because countries like China and India need to be made aware that Britain is not the only country in the world destroying it, I mean compared to china we are like their little toe so its pathetic that the government over here blame us for so much. So yes hopefully this will open up the worlds eyes and not just the green brigade in Britain.
The Bad news though
Nobody has really thought about it have they? Surely it would be easier to send a DVD to the heads of states saying "Look guys, you are sending so much shit into the air the world is becoming a cess pool" Instead they are going to fly pop stars all other the globe on their private jets to concerts which will have how much wasted light energy pumped into the atmosphere? How much shit do generators spew out every minute? Its a 24 hour concert so thats a lot of exhaust fumes, think of all the people going to these concerts, if its at Hyde Park London thats 250,000 people, they will either drive or get the train causing more fumes, some may even fly from scotland! Seriously, the people in charge of the world really are stupid arent they? None of this is the worst part though. They are thinking of holding one of the concerts on the Antartic! Oh, my, god! As if we as a world havent fucked it up enough we are going to hold a concert on one of the worlds vunerable ice shelfs. Some people are just too bloody stupid for words. I'll leave it with that for now - dont get me wrong, im not a green campaigner Im just pointing out the crass stupidity that class themselves as our "leaders". Thick pieces of shite.
Well I am glad they are trying to sort some of the mess out!!
At least someone is listening somewhere (we hope)
You need to get in power! Ha ha !
Get your own personal column in a national - people will soon listen then!
This letter to the editor was printed in our paper yesterday. It makes me realize a strong debate is still needed. I am for conservation and prevention but I'm not doing it with my eyes shut.
"Earth's temperature, sea levels always in flux
Ancient corals, which form the Florida Keys, were formed about 130,000 years ago. Their elevation indicates sea level must have been 10 meters above the present level at that time, indicating the earth was considerably warmer then and most of Florida was under water. When the first ancestors of Native Americans came to North America about 12-15 thousand years ago, sea level was about 100 meters below its present level. This allowed them to use a land bridge across what is now the Bering Sea.
In the geologic past, sea level has been much lower than this and has been much higher than the 10 meters indicated by the Florida Keys coral. The earth has clearly experienced much warmer and much colder periods in the past. Today, we live in a world with a climate and global temperature we deem acceptable. We wish it to remain this way (even though present conditions are not necessarily the average or norm for the past earth), and many argue we should do all we can to keep it that way. The implication is that this is what we consider to be the "natural" state of the earth.
Many concerned about global warming have argued that limiting greenhouse gas emissions by decreasing the use of fossil fuels may stop the apparent warming trend we are now in. I'm not convinced. There are many good reasons for decreasing the use of petroleum and coal and turning to other energy sources such as nuclear fission. Trying to control global warming is just not one of them. Such action, I suspect, would be embarking on a fruitless effort of trying to keep Nature from doing what Nature always does. Change.
Makes you think doesn't it?
You must be a climate change denier, I must be because even though many don't want to hear it, the whole thing is just a theory.
(not proven fact.)
The earths climate is cyclical, it changes in 600 to 800 year cycles.
CO2 levels( which is not a pollutant)
have been higher when the earth has been much colder.
Man made global warming doubtful, not proven, just a theory.
Man changing the earths climate, do a rain dance, they work don't they
Try to stop the sun from rising tomorrow, but don't use my money to try to do it!
People, please do some real research and you will realize the waste of time and energy, is not worth it.
Spiller5, I'm not trying to rag on you, please read this piece, it went nowhere because there was no agenda attached to it. Global warming has the Kyoto Accord, a wealth redistribution scheme attached to it.
When did I say I care?
I dont!! Im just pointing out the whole irony in it! If the world blows up in 1000 years what will i care? Last I knew, no-one had actually lived that long!
Part of my selfish reasons for my less than enthusiastic acceptance of the big G.W scam is this- Why the hell do they start with this crap NOW! How frigging long am I going to have to listen to this circus side show being rammed down my THROAT! I got what, twenty years left on this planet, and I got to hear this shit every day that I have LEFT!
Well that's just great Al Gore, save the planet, get back on your private jet and pollute the air in one trip more than I could in my entire life with my car!
Spiller5- How's that for ranting.
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