Rant Management

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Catch up time
Inspired by constant posting on Lindsays Blog and Ms 20Something I feel I should write a few words about some subjects that have me getting the arse recently. Firstly Jamie Oliver, I owe a great deal to this man, I have a couple of his cook books and he has turned me from "pasta with sausage" to "Maryland Chicken with sweetcorn and beans" cooking gives me a great deal of pleasure and I feel well happy when I serve up a quality dish. In the last six months I have cooked an awesome roast chicken with all sorts of ingredients on it (too many to list) the above mentioned maryland chicken, Skate in a plum tomatoe sauce dressing, a quality beef tomotoe starter among many, many other things and for that I would like to thank Jamie Oliver for making his cook books so easy to follow.
Which is why it fucks me off so much that he gets slated for doing this whole school dinners thing, he is doing something which, in my eyes, is simply amazing, to change the menu on how many thousands of schools in this country is no easy task yet he is doing it virtually all by himself, obviously he has the help of Nora but she is by her own admission just a dinner lady. Jamie himself summed it up at the end of Mondays episode, Nora said "Well you're stuck with this for another three years" and he responded "I think im stuck with this for the rest of my life" and I think he is right, in esscence he is just a chef but think for a second about what he is doing, he is trying to change a whole generation of children into being healthy, that is good for the whole country, because better food at a younger age produces better brains and will keep this country ticking over, forget the chav minority and have faith that there are kids out there who will grow up to be scientists, doctors etc.
It shocks me therefore that there are parents in Rotherham who have taken it upon themselves to feed their kids crap through the school fence, this is a disgrace if it was just their kids they were feeding to be like them then fair enough we can let a couple slip through the net but they were pushing junk to about 100 pupils and thats not fair on the parents who sent their kids to school with the knowledge that they would be eating well. Its selfish and pig-ignorant for them to do that and they were standing on graves as they were doing it. A typical picture of the scum society some people live in.
If I was Jamie Oliver when I heard this I would have driven straight to Rotherham and made these parents eat all the crap that they had just given the kids until they threw up (much like when a kid is caught smoking you make him smoke the whole pack till he chucks - never smokes again) but if you watched the programme Jamie Oliver wouldnt have been able to do this because he has been a busy boy. He met with the countrys treasurer (cant remember his name, he's not that important) but this guy basically said that Jamie couldnt have any more money.....
Jamie came out and said "fuck that im going to Tony" now at that point I had no idea who he was talking about but later in the programme he met up with Tony Blair, yep, the Tony Blair and basically asked him for more money. It was funny because Jamie asked him some questions and Blair, in his normal style tried to skirt around the subject, Jamie said "Thats a bit wet Tony" cracked me up!!! At the end of it Jamie had got an extra 240 million pounds, he had been promised that schools without kitchens would get a "kitchen grant" and the ten best schools around the country would become "training centres" which is an amazing acheivement.
So for those parents in Rotherham I hoped you watched this and realised what ONE man is acheiving while you are feeding your kids the shit you have bought them up on. He is trying to feed the WHOLE BLOODY COUNTRY. Whether they have a kitchen or not, for that Jamie Oliver, I salute you!!!