Cant control my rage any longer
I am SOOOOO bloody annoyed at all this big brother shit, it is just getting on my tits something chronic, Jade Bloody Goody - this vile human being was actually conceived. Two consenting adults actually had to have sex to make that? PLEASE BRITAIN WAKE UP this woman is gross stupidity at its highest and now we have had two massive doses of her on our TV screens, I dont watch this crap television but you cant escape it, its on BBC news and in all the papers and to be frank its pissing me off and there is a HUGE reason it is pissing me off, its because of things like this
Yesterday four royal marines strapped themselves to the outside of an apache helicopter to try and save the life of a colleague in heavy gunfire in Afghanistan. Now hold your hands up if you have ever been in a helicopter (I have) now hold your hands up if you have ever been strapped to the outside of one, hmmm, not many, was it an apache? Now, those that have been strapped to the outside of one have you ever been shot at while doing it? Yes I didnt think those numbers would be very high. Why the hell was this not headline news, THIS is real news, this is the sort of thing I want to hear more about, I DO NOT CARE that some nomark scouse totty told Shilpa to "go home" The scouse bird doesnt even know how to pronounce racism let alone actually be a racist, she is clearly too thick.
For the good of our country we need to stop promoting 'celeb' BB (I laugh at the word Celeb) and start promoting news stories like the marines. It was on page 9 of the sun today, it got a little column, this came after the usual topless female, 2 pages of big brother shit and Richard Hammonds car crash, admittedly im interested in Hammonds car crash but I dont need all of this boring fucking rubbish about Big Bro. Im so pissed off by it, I would boycott channel 4 but it still has lots of good programmes on it! So instead its just a big brother blackout and I wish others would follow suit. Its like bullys at school, if you ignore them long enough they get bored and go away. Maybe if more people ignored big brother they would take it off our TV screens