It’s been a while for a rant and I cant believe I blogged yesterday and I have need for another blog today. I was listening to the news today and I really cannot believe the time and effort our police ‘service’ waste on stupid wasteful meaningless tasks. My first point there is going to be who decided to change the name? It used to be “Police Force” Force is a much stronger word and changing it to ‘Service’ is so bloody gay, its makes our police out to be a bunch of ponces and lets be honest, most are! They employ people called “Diversity inclusion officers” to make sure that the ‘service’ has plenty of gay & lesbian people signing up. I have nothing against gay and lesbian people don’t get me wrong but I don’t want to become one just to be able to get a job as a police officer its pathetic!
Back to the main point though, I have mentioned before that our prisons are busting at the seams so the government are releasing people back into society because they have served long enough, never mind that they might have killed a few people, raped a few people, molested some children, they are no longer deemed a danger so they get released, I can’t remember the statistics for re-offending I have read it somewhere and it is really, really high yet still they are continuing the early release programme, its shocking. So with this you think the police ‘service’ would be overrun with problems, from people re-offending to the new knife and gun crimes that are happening daily at the moment. I am certain that if I was in the police force I would be concentrating on catching criminals. The people who disrupt lives from the “minor” crime of burglary to murder they are the people I would want to be catching and surely every other police officer in the land would want to be catching and locking up these criminals – yes?
Birmingham police force has today announced a major crackdown on…………….. Nuisance car drivers those men who hang out of the car window and wolf whistle at women. OH MY FUCKING GOD, do they really have NOTHING better to do with their time? I am pretty sure that even the women being whistled at would tell the police to get on with something worthwhile. I know I blogged about how could I waste my day yesterday but if I was a police officer I wouldn’t think that I would have enough time in the day to waste doing stupid tasks like this! They have actually cautioned two people for having their car stereo too loud!!! I just want to scream so much!! It was only about 4 years ago I wanted to be in the police and I came pretty close to joining, however, I wasn’t black, gay, under 5ft 4, overweight or disabled in any way, so didn’t fit into the diversity inclusion model. So much of me now though is really glad that I didn’t get in, I wouldn’t want to be cautioning people for playing music! I would want to be chasing people down alleyways because they have just robbed a post office, catching the bastard and putting my foot into his head to stop him that is what I look for in a policeman. Not someone who stands still while Muslims burn the English flag in front of him, not someone who can’t put handcuffs on a criminal for fear of being sued for harassment, certainly not someone who arrests a bloke for wolf whistling!
Somebody high up needs to get a grip on this before it spirals completely out of control and our police ‘service’ are prancing around the streets in tutus with fluffy dogs hanging out of their pockets. Get back to basics, that’s my theory, get back to banjoing!!!