Living the fat bastard dream.
Some of the news storys I have been reading recently I just cant quite believe, its not been a big week for the government and politics apart from the whole charging per mile issue that they have got going on but that’s not likely to be implemented for another 10 years, if ever, so I guess I have plenty of time to moan about that. It’s the whole freaky eaters thing that’s caught my attention. I just cant quite believe the state this country is getting itself into. Check this out I didnt watch the show as I dont have digital but I heard about it. These people just wont eat ANYTHING else apart from the ONE thing they are used to, imagine that, how the hell can you just eat one thing. It is only on episode two so I might try and find a way to watch some of the others but the one I know about is addicted to chips, this girl will only eat chips, chips and more chips! She is 20 years old, how can you live like that? Her mum was on the show and she was saying "I dont know what to do to stop her eating chips, its all she will eat"
Heres a hint:
STOP BUYING CHIPS, my god, how thick are you woman?? Stop buying chips and Im sure she will soon learn to eat something else, its not difficult is it. The whole programme centred around her addiction (obviously) and the fact that they were trying to wean her off chips and they said "At the end of the month you will go to a restaurant and order something without chips" OK, you might think, there is obviously a point to this programme and at the end of the show they take her to a restaurant, guess what she orders...... oh go on, guess..... yup, chips. Why take her to a restaurant where she CAN order chips in the first place? And the person that went with her when she ordered why didnt he go "NO you cant have chips" People are sooooo stupid!
You have to blame the parents in this, she was obviously fed a diet of a lot of crap when she was younger, including a lot of chips and this is going to kill her too young if she doesnt sort it out soon. Talking of blaming the parents the other story that has hit the headlines this week is this one an 8 year old lad weighs 14 stone (more than me) and might be taken into child care because his mother 'loves him to death' is the unfortunate turn of phrase that has been banded about. This lad quite literally eats and eats and eats..... and eats... you get the picture 14 stones though, you would have thought that somebody might have spotted this earlier? Like when he was 18 months and they had to buy 5 year olds clothes to fit in, you'd consider maybe not feeding him as much?
Why oh why are people so stupid? The lad clearly had a problem so take him to a doctor not wait until the poor mite is too fat to move without nearly collapsing from lack of breath, again the parents are totally at fault I quote his mother
"He refuses to eat fruit, vegetables and salads - he has processed foods.
"When Connor won't eat anything else, I've got to give him the foods he likes.
"I can't starve him."
"When Connor won't eat anything else, I've got to give him the foods he likes.
"I can't starve him."
YOU DOZY TART, wont eat fruit or veg?? He bloody will if it is the only thing in the house and he's that hungry. You will NEVER starve him by giving him fruit or veg, he is EIGHT years old not 30, if he refuses you simply give him a clip round the ear and tell him to go to his room or something, discipline worked wonders for me. Here's another thought, when he is sitting in your living room taking up the spaces of three young children spending 4 hours playing his computer game, turn it off and throw him outside to go for a walk, eventually that walk will turn into a jog, then a run and eventually this little fat bstard will lose some weight! It wont be done by some divine miracle, its done by simple logic. Stop feeding him so much shit and boom his weight will come down!
Although this doesnt upset me in a way that it will do some people, it shocks me that the nation is coming to this, these aren't the only cases of serious stupidity that happens in this country. I cant understand it at all, if I was a parent I would make my child eat proper healthy food, you dont take them to McDonalds for a treat, you take them to McDonalds if you want them to grow up into little fat lazy bastards. Take them instead to Subway for a treat. Use some sense world and grow up.